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HomeCustom Membership Cards

Custom Membership Cards

(card photo by Nadine Kinney)Any member of the Tripoli Rocketry Association can request a customized membership card. This card will contain the same information as a regular membership card, in the same layout as other cards, but have a picture of your choosing.

The setup fee for a custom membership card is $20, paid in advance of the card creation. In addition, you must provide the photo to be used for the card, along with a signed statement that you own the photograph or have permission from the photographer to use the picture. Once your custom card is created, you may continue to reuse the same image each year without additional charge.

In the case of Photos by Nadine, Tim Sapp, Rick Clapp, Cliff Sojourner, and Ray LaPanse, Tripoli Rocketry Association has an agreement with each of the photographers, where they will allow you to use their photographs on your membership card, free of charge. To take advantage of this, the member must request that the photographer send the picture directly to Tripoli HQ -- they cannot come directly from the member.

The following conditions will apply to custom cards:
  1. It is the responsibility of the member to obtain permission from the photographer.

  2. The $20 setup fee must be paid in advance of the card being created. Each year, at renewal, your card will continue to use the custom image, unless you specifically request to use the standard image, at which point your custom image will no longer be available for use.

  3. The $20 is NOT refundable once the card has been printed. Any modifications requested to the background image, after it has been edited, will incur an additional $20 charge. In addition, the $20 fee will be charged PER MEMBER -- if multiple members want the same image, each member must pay the $20 fee.

  4. The photograph provided must be appropriate for a Tripoli Rocketry Association membership card. Tripoli HQ shall have the final decision as to whether or not a photograph is appropriate.

  5. Standard text and graphical elements on the card (name, address, logo, certification level, etc.) will be placed in their standard locations on the custom card. The layout of the card itself will NOT be customized -- only the background photograph. Tripoli HQ reserves the right to change the text color used on the card to enhance readability.

  6. Background photographs will be duplicated, edited, etc., as necessary to make the photograph cover the entire card background. For example, the sides of a photograph may be duplicated if the image is not wide enough to cover the card.

  7. Images which can be construed to be advertisements for other products, companies or services are expressly prohibited, regardless of whether or not they are for-profit entities. i.e., your employer's logo cannot be used on a Tripoli card.

  8. During membership processing, members for whom a custom card has been created, and members using the standard card will be processed first. Custom cards will be processed on a first-come first-served basis, and may delay the arrival of your card by up to three weeks.

  9. Requests to "rush" custom cards will NOT be honored -- the image editing process takes time.

  10. Proofs of custom cards will not be provided. Tripoli HQ will strive to produce the most attractive result possible.

  11. Images must be provided to Tripoli HQ electronically.
For best results, provide the highest resolution image possible to Tripoli HQ. Small images or highly edited images can result in suboptimal results.

Please submit your completed request to Tripoli HQ

Tripoli  Rocketry Association, Inc.
P.O. Box 87, Bellevue, NE, 68005
(402) 884-9530 - phone  /  (402) 884-9531 - fax

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